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quick thinking 意味

"quick thinking"の例文


  • {形} : <→QUICK-THINKING>
  • quick     1quick n. (つめの下の)生身; 急所. 【前置詞+】 He was wounded to the quick. (心が)深く傷ついた
  • thinking     thinking n. 思考, 考え方. 【動詞+】 absorb sb's thinking 人の考え方を取り入れる The
  • quick-thinking    {形} : 機転{きてん}が利く、いいことを思い付いた
  • quick thinking person    
  • quick-thinking person    機転{きてん}が利く人
  • thinking     thinking n. 思考, 考え方. 【動詞+】 absorb sb's thinking 人の考え方を取り入れる The only way to deal with this problem is by adjusting your thinking. この問題に取り組むには君の考え方を調整するしかない Naturally, this experie
  • thinking of    thinking of 想到 そうとう
  • be quick on     be quíck on the trígger (1) 早射ちができる. (2) ((略式))動作[反応]が早い;抜け目がない(alert).
  • in quick    速歩で
  • quick     1quick n. (つめの下の)生身; 急所. 【前置詞+】 He was wounded to the quick. (心が)深く傷ついた bite one's fingernails to the quick つめを生身のところまでかむ These words cut him to the quick. その言葉に彼はひどく傷ついた. 【+
  • quick to    《be ~》すぐに~する
  • the quick    the quick 生身 なまみ
  • to the quick    最も痛いところまで、骨の髄まで Your humor always cuts me to the quick. あなたのユーモアはいつも私の痛いところを突く。
  • a quick battle for a quick victory    a quick battle for a quick victory 速戦即決 そくせんそっけつ
  • (deep) thinking    (deep) thinking 考え事 かんがえごと


  • your quick thinking saved a lot of lives , dr . bishop .
    あなたの迅速な判断で 多くの命が 救われた
  • my quick thinking shouldn't have been necessary in the first place .
    この状況を 引き起こさないことです
  • quick thinking with half a face .
  • thanks to your quick thinking .
  • he was once defeated by emishi , but with his wife ' s quick thinking , he rolled back the tide of war .
  • because of nagai ' s quick thinking the issue was resolved by sending the shinsen-gumi to guard fushimi-jo castle .
  • a quick thinking girl would have confessed to any old crime in order to clear herself of what's happened in this house .
    頭の回転の速い娘なら どんな大昔の罪でも告白したろう ここでの嫌疑を晴らすため
  • his foster father norinaga was forced to kill himself by the akamatsu clan , and also , takanori fainted during a battle , but his nephew ' s quick thinking made it possible for him to get out of the battle .
  • matabei iwasa , a painter in the early edo period and recognized as the patriarch of japanese woodblock print , is thought to be one of murashige ' s descendants who escaped from nobunaga ' s execution by the wet nurse ' s quick thinking .
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